The Gospel According to Judas

The Gospel According to Judas, by Benjamin Iscariot sheds new light on the mystery of Judas—including his motives for the betrayal and what happened to him after the crucifixion—by retelling the story of Jesus through the eyes of Judas, using the canonical texts as its basic point of reference.

US The Gospel According to Judas Cover


The Gospel According to Judas, by Benjamin Iscariot sheds new light on the mystery of Judas—including his motives for the betrayal and what happened to him after the crucifixion—by retelling the story of Jesus through the eyes of Judas, using the canonical texts as its basic point of reference.

Ostensibly written by Judas’s son, Benjamin, and following the narrative style of the Gospels, this re-creation is provocative, compelling, and controversial.

The Gospel According to Judas, by Benjamin Iscariot is the result of an intense collaboration between one of the world’s most popular storytellers—Jeffrey Archer—and one of the world’s leading biblical scholars—Francis J. Moloney. The project was as bold as it was simple. Jeffrey would write a story for 21st-century readers, while Moloney would ensure that the result would be credible to a 1st-century Christian or Jew.

The book, which is presented in gospel style with two-colour text, ribbon marker and gilded edges, and “written” by the son of Judas, is a highly readable and gripping account of the stories of Jesus and Judas, which will open a whole new debate among secular and religious readers.

Professor Francis J Moloney (read biography) is a widely respected scholar, educator, and priest, and the author of 36 books both scholarly and popular, many of which are about the gospel.

To find out more about this fascinating project, read Richard Brooks’ article that ran in The Sunday Times on 7 January 2007. The Gospel According to Judas, by Benjamin Iscariot was published by Macmillan in the UK and St. Martin’s Press in the US on 20 March 2007.


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"I share with you the hope that it may lead many more people to turn to the four Gospels and to present a compassionate Jesus."

Denis J Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne

"I am writing to both of you together to offer my congratulations for the work that you are doing, and which should do a great deal of good."

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Archbishop emeritus of Milan and former rector of the Pontifical Biblical Institute

"Riveting and plausible. "

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

"I have read it and like it very much indeed! "

Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury

"The very name of ‘Judas’ raises among Christians an instinctive reaction of criticism and condemnation… The betrayal of Judas remains… a mystery. "

Pope Benedict XVI, October 2006

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